12 Things to Accomplish in 2018

12 Things to Accomplish in 2018
Create a Lifestyle Brand - I want to change my focus from beauty to lifestyle to add more substance to my blog and open it up to a wider range of topics. Create more content - I really want to create more content and access the creative side of myself more. I not only want to write articles but go back to the days when I did video which is my first love. Increase and grow blog traffic - Increasing subscribers and traffic to my website is a key focus for me this year. This year I will put alot more effort into getting my website and brand out into the world. There is no sense keeping all this good information to myself. This will also help me release the fear of putting myself out there. Alkaline my body - Given situations that happened last year with my dad battling cancer, I want to work harder at getting my body to a healthier more alkaline state. Cancer cell cannot live in an alkaline environment. Plus I need to put myself and my health as a priority this year. I need to adopt a more healthier life style. Pay off my credit cards - Good God this is a big one HOLY SHIT! Since moving to a new place and having to spend alot of money on all the firsts and new bills that I never had before, lets just say I've had to put quite a few things on my credit cards. So it's time to stop spending and clear the cards so they can be used for the original intention of Big purchases and emergencies. Save and Invest more money - A lot of my savings and investments went into my new place and so it's time to build them back up again. Plus it would make me feel alot more secure to start saving and investing in the future again. Meditate 2x daily - Meditation is something that has never stuck with me. I've tried on so many occasions but the habit just never sticks. This year a major focus will be to mediate for at least 15mins 2x a day. I know I need it. It will help me focus, become clearer and calmer. Being more relaxed will help the tension I feel in my neck and base of my head. And a bonus will be all the ideas that will be able to come to my clearer mind that I can share with you all this year. Stay more connected to family - As a result of all the deaths we had in our family last year, alot more of my family has been either reunited or more connected. My focus is to maintain the reconnects that were made and build stronger family relationships and bonds. More self-care - This is a biggie for me. I need to take better care of ME and not just those around me. If i keep going the way I have been I will burn out more than I already am. There will be nothing left to give if there is no me. I need to learn to manage my stress better, say no to more things, stop trying to people please, get more massages, rest and relax more. This is my priority for 2018. Decorate my house - My house should feel like a home and a refuge. Now I know it will take time to turn it into a functioning living space that I love, so the focus this year will be to add a personal touch to it and make it feel like a lived in comfy home. Adding things like shelves, pictures, decor, a cohesive colour scheme are all on the list. Declutter - I moved with a lot of SHIT even after throwing out tons of stuff!! While the majority of the stuff is out of boxes and bags there is still alot clutter and disorganization. My goal this year is to deal with that and have a place for everything. Once a designated space is set the excess has to go. Developing systems well be put in place as well. Learn something new - I like learning and exploring new things. You can always add something new to your existing list of things you can do or know. Not sure what that "new thing " is yet but I want to expand my knowledge base for 2018. What are the things that you want to accomplish for 2018? Let me know in the comments below.