It's a New Year and for sure you all have goals and resolutions that you want to implement for a successful 2018. What if you could change the way this year looked for you? Well I have 4 tips that you can do right now to have your best year yet!!

- Commit to becoming a decision maker.
“we will always act in accordance to who we believe we are not what we think we should do”
- Commit
- Focus On Your Relationships
- Change your Prespective.
“Everything is figureoutable” Marie ForleoIf there is something you want to do and don’t know how to do it. Don’t get discouraged find a solution. YouTube it, ask a friend, google it, for heaven sake just try. Stop focusing on the challenges. Sometimes simply taking the first step of trying, alleviates fears and then we see that the thing we thought was so hard and scary wasn’t so bad if we just took the first step and broke down the big scary thing into manageable pieces. Both of these things will change your perspective. Over to you, have these tips helped you? Which ones will you implement for the New Year? Let me know in the comments below. xoxo

28 Comments on 4 Ways To Have Your Best Year Yet!!
I agree with all these 4 point. Nice article.
That is awesome thank you!!
These are such great tips! I’m the worst at making decisions so this is definitely something h need to work on this year!!
Effort and stepping out of your comfort zone. All of those things you’ve always wanted to do, just do it. Love this!
Wow! I really needed to read this. Literally all of these apply to me. I’m bookmarking this post to refer back to throughout the year. Thank you!
I feel like I have watched my mom stay still by just not making decisions. I have actively tried to not be like her but sometimes I still find myself just not committing and making decisions.
I am really hoping this year is the best year yet for me. I am looking forward to 2018 and hoping some great things happen! This year, I really want to focus more on my relationships. YES.
Great tips. We “should” say/think less in the “should” and more in the “I will”. That is so true!
Love all of your tips! I definitely need to learn to make decisions and commit myself to them!
I love your tips! we all need to be reminded of these things.
yes, yes, and yes! I’m totally ready to dominate 2018.
This is wonderful advice for anyone in 2018. I especially like omitting to relationships. It is a year, for me, to grow the good ones and cut out the bad.
Great advice to make a decision and follow through and commit to it. You need to value your important relationships and discard the rest if they are not helping you grow.
Change my perspective is what I am currently working on. It’s hard to be okay with not jumping on things when my body says no and so I need to change how I view things because it’s okay to rest myself! Success is what you make it!
These are some awesome tips! It’s great to mix things up a bit and change perspective and make a change. Keeps things fresh and regains focus!
Love all these tips! I really have to remind myself to prioritize self-care & my relationships as goals, not just financial/career/fitness/etc. goals.
I loved the very first one! I can flipflop on a decision for MONTHS. I love the watching relationships one, too. That is the source of all happiness, I believe!
I’ve decided to take your advice right this second and texted my long distance BFF. I haven’t been talking to her much lately because we both have two little ones, but I miss her!
There is so much truth and great advice in this post! Perspective is everything! Great post!
Love these! Commit is a huge one. I think we all set out to make these huge goals, but never fully know how to commit ourselves to them.
I really LOVE your 4th rule! Look at the good in everything ALWAYS and appreciate every little damn thing!
This actually very good advice for anyone! I think it’s really good to have a commitment on doing better, it promotes consistency too. Focusing on relationships is one of the things that I’ll be doing this year as well. More time for loved ones is essential!
I had a horrible year in 2017, so I am looking forward to a much better year this year. I am really working on it.
Yes, these are great tips. You are so right! My problem is that I always have a problem committing to a goal. Hopefully this year, I can change that!
This post really relates to my goal for 208, which is to live intentionally and become more conscious of how my life is progressing, paying more attention to my needs and those around me as well as to work on my relationships and cut off those who are not needed and above all, put God first and let him be my guide and my strength. Thanks for posting….
I didn’t know it but this was something i SO needed to hear! thank you so much for sharing!
The first one! Yaaasss! I mean, we all need a little inspo so thank u for sharing this!!
Yes to everything!! Especially the 3rd one.