What’s In My Perfect Makeup Bag
People always ask me what they should have in their makeup bag and really it all depends on what you use daily. But since I always get asked i thought i'd show you what’s in my perfect makeup bag!! Read the article below for more info.
I prefer to have a clear makeup bag so i can see everything that i have in there. That way i can just glance at the bag quickly and not waste time fumbling around looking for what I want.
Small and compact is the name of the game. Try to keep all the items as smaller and as miniature as possible to be able to fit everything in the bag without making it too heavy.
Things your Makeup bag should have are:
- Mascara L’Oreal Voluminous Mascara “Blackest Black” my fav must have product for opening up the eyes.
- Lip balm Nivea Essential or Kiehl's lip balm SPF 15 to keep soft, smooth and chap free.
- Lip Gloss Revlon Nude Lustre 040 a staple for when I don't want to wear lip stick but still want to look cute and add a touch of colour to the lip.
- Foundation M.A.C Studio Fix for touch ups throughout the day.
- Blot Powder/Shine Control Balm - Bobbi Brown Sheer Finish Pressed Powder Golden Orange #3 or Benefit The Porefessional Pro Balm - a must to keep shine at bay.
- Alcohol Spray for any emergency or to clean phone receivers
- Tweezers never know when you need to pluck an unwanted, unruly hair outta your eyebrows.
- Hand Sanitizer Purell or One Step Hand Wipes a must to clean your hands after you have touched all those surfaces.
- Tooth Brush/Paste and Floss Crest/Oral B for fresh breath, white teeth and removal of green veggies in your teeth.
- Pain Medication Advil for all the headaches your gonna have in your day.
- Hand LotionBE Better Lime Verbena w/ Coconut Oil Hand and Body Lotion for ash proof soft hands. I believe this is a Rexall Pharma Plus brand. It smells so good and works really well. The bottle is too large to carry around so i transfer it to a smaller container.
- Lip Liner/Lip Stick your colour(s) of choice of course.
- Mirror a small mirror because you have to check and make sure your face is in check.
- Small comb optional
- Highlighter Smash Box Halo Highlighter Wand – Gold to add a warm glow to the apples of the cheeks.
- Red Lip Colour Sephora Cream Lip Stain in #01 or which ever colour you choose to add a pop of colour when you have to go out for drinks or to an event after work.
- Perfume Burberry Weekend a must to smell great throughout the day. Love these mini spray containers that are so easy to fill and carry around with you. I buy the small perfume container from Shoppers Drug mart.
- Hair Ties /Butterfly Clips Goody Ouchless No Metal Elastics of course just in case you change your mind and have to wear your hair up. This happens to me all the time.
- Hand Sanitizers Purell or One Step to keep hand germ free after you have touched many surfaces. Always great if there is no soap and water around. One Step wipes are especially good for plane rides b/c its not a liquid and doesn't count as the 3oz liquid rule that the airports enforce.

Just think of all the things that you use regularly and that’s what YOU need in your perfect makeup bag! Keep it simple and keep it light.
I'd be interested to know what items are in your makeup bag! Leave a comment and let me know.
Stay Fab,
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