Shade: Transparent
Scent: None
Oil-Control: 3-4 hours
Suitability: Normal Skin Types
Packaging: Sleek nozzle tube
Size: 22ml or 0.67 oz
Price: $6.99
Availability: USA/Canada/Asia/UK
Alright so lets review a new product I really wanted to try from Maybelline New York called Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser! Other reviewers have said that it is comparable to Benefit’s Porefessional!
There you have review on Maybelline New York's Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser compared to Benefits Porefessional.
Are you a silicone-based primer lover? If so, have you tried Maybelline Baby Skin yet? Happen to love it?? I would love to know how it's working for you! Give me your feedback, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Stay Fab,
Toya xoxoxo
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