Hey Loves
Matte Lipsticks are a popular trend and all the rage!! Everywhere you look, everyone is wearing matte lipsticks from celebs, beauty gurus and everyday women like you and I. Smashbox has come out with a product that can turn a cream lipstick into a matte one, it's called Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer. This is a silicon based product that they say, will mattify your lipstick. Apparently the product was created to help Smashbox makeup artists "on set to minimize the number of lipsticks Smashbox pro artists carried in their kits."
[bctt tweet="Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer a silicon based product to mattify your lipstick." username="natoyaammon"]
So you can basically have one lipstick and two looks. No need to carry a cream and matte lipstick. It should be noted that Smashbox states this product is NOT intended for use with glosses, lacquers, or balms.
This is a unique product so I tried it out for myself.
What you do:
Apply your favorite cream lipstick and then dab a small amount of the Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer over your lipstick to create the matte look you desire. When you apply the Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer over your cream lipstick, the gel textured product blurs the shine of the cream lipstick to give it a soft matte finish. Less is more or your lips will look and feel gloppy.
Here are my thoughts.
Gives creamy lipsticks a velvety matte finish.
Fragrance free.
Comfortable light weight product feels cushiony on the lips.
Clear silicone gel is easy to apply and to see placement.
Will not alter the look of your original lipstick colour.
Lips maintain a smooth pliable feeling so they never look or feel dry.
While this product does work to mattify your cream lipstick, dry matte lipstick works way better with less worry. Why? Here are the cons.
Product does not fully "dry" or set. Lipstick still has the ability to slip, slide and come off.
Longevity not a strong suite of this product like a true matte lipstick, wear time doesn't seem to be extended as the package claims.
Some pilling may happen depending on the type of creamy lipstick you use.
So in a nut shell, anybody can use Smashbox's Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer to mattify a cream lipsticks. You can have 1 lipstick and two looks, which saves you time and money. But length of wear didn't live up to my expectations which means that the performance was just so so for me. Just to remind you again even though the package says apply liberally on add a small amount first and then apply more as need. Alittle goes a long way.
[bctt tweet="Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer gives you 1 lipstick 2 looks saves you time and money. " username="natoyaammon"]
The Smashbox's Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer can be purchased from your local Sephora store or online for approx $26 CAD or $24 USD.
Over to you! Will you try the Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer for yourself? Have you tried the Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer product already? What did you think?
"So you can basically have one lipstick and two looks"

Smashbox's Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer
I was definitely excited to try Smashbox's Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer when I first laid eyes on it at Sephora. But I have mixed feeling about the product.

Leave me your comments down below.