Winter is definitely NOT may favorite time of year. Waiting for the long wintry cold months and days to end and dealing with dreary gloomy days is not my idea of perfect weather. The chilly cold winter can definitely wreak havoc on our lips causing them to be and look dry, chapped and in some cases painful if your lips split and bleed.
But if you as a woman or man yes men included have a good lip care routine, you can prevent these problems before they appear to ensure a super soft pout all season long.
[bctt tweet="My Winter Lip Care 101 guide has 3 basic steps for a good lip care routine." username="natoyaammon"]
If you don't have a lip care routine already in place not to worry I've got you covered. Below is my Winter Lip Care 101 guide with 3 basic steps to implement for a good lip care routine.
The first step in your Winter Care 101 regimen is exfoliation. You need to practice exfoliation daily because it's important to get rid of all of the dead skin from your lips. Exfoliation should happen in a circular motion to help increase circulation and blood flow to the lips. Please note that when exfoliating daily, you'll want to be gentle on the lips and not be too vigorous in your circular motion. If daily is too much for you then every other day works just as well.
Here are a few ways of exfoliating the your lips. I personally DIY it with a home made lip scrub made of brown or white sugar and olive oil. Or you can use honey and sugar too. If those items are not at hand and tooth brush or a wash cloth are just as effective.
After exfoliating, it's time to hydrate. You'll need to put moisture back into those smooth soft lips. Applying a lip balm, L'Occitane Shea Butter slave, Bite Beauty Evertday Agave Lip Balm nut oil or Vaseline are great choices. I recommend that you keep lip balm around or on you at all times in small containers that you either buy at the store or clean out and reuse so you can reach for it when ever your pout is starting to feel a bit dry. Keep your choice of moisturization in your purse or pocket, another at your desk, your nightstand and of course your bathroom for after you wash your face.
Finally in your Winter Lip Care 101 regimen you need to protect your beautifully smooth hydrated pout. Protection is important because whether it is winter or summer you need to protect your lips from the harmful UV rays of the sun. This will ensure that your lips won't get chapped and dried out and also help reduce discoloration and help slow the signs of aging. I have a whole video on that, that you can click on here titled Sunscreen 101 so you can learn more about sun protection. It's a good idea to have your lip balm contain an SPF because just like your face your lips need protecting too.

1. Exfoliation

2. Hydration

3. Protection

Over to you! Do you have a basic Winter Lip Care Regimen that you follow? Do you have any lip tips that you want to share?
Leave me your comments down below.
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